Realize automatic mobile phone upgrade.
Operating efficiency ≥600pcs/H.
Reducing the number of jobs by 1 person.
has a payback period of 12 to 14 months.
Realize automatic BTB pressure cooperation.
Equipment automatic clamp compatibility
is good, no clamp investment.
Operating efficiency ≥450pcs/H.
has a payback period of 12 to 18 months.
Realize automatic coaxial cable
buckle cooperation industry.
Operating efficiency >600pcs/H.
Realize the automatic cache of the mobile phone and balance the efficiency of the front and rear stations.
Operating efficiency 450-550pcs/H.
Do not reduce labor, assist the use of other equipment fully automated time and reduce manual take-and-place actions.
Realize automatic mobile
phone IMEI number checking operation.
Realize automatic mobile phone
IMEI number writing operation
Operating efficiency 500~650pcs/H.
Realize automatic tablet computer upgrade
Operating efficiency 400-450pcs/H.
Realize automatic tablet computer
Write/verify operation.
Realize automatic tablet computer caching
Realize automatic labeling of color boxes.
Operating efficiency 550-600pcs/H.
Reducing the number of jobs by 2 person.
has a payback period of 14 to 18 months.
Realize automatic scanning,weighing
and sorting of defective products.
Operating efficiency 1200-1500pcs/H.
has a payback period of 4 to 8 months.